Young Kim is Too Extreme
Young Kim backed the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, and even voted to BLOCK the right to access birth control.
- Young Kim voted NO on H.R.3755 – Women’s Health Protection Act of 2021 which would codify the constitutional right to an abortion.(5)
- Young Kim voted NO on H.R.8373 – Right to Contraception Act. (6)
Young Kim voted AGAINST a reasonable background checks bill to keep communities and schools safe from gun violence. It’s no wonder she once earned her an “A” rating from the NRA. Kim can’t be trusted to keep our Orange County safe.
- Young Kim voted NO H.R.7910 – Protecting Our Kids Act which would raise the age to purchase a semi-automatic weapon from 18 to 21, ban the sale of large capacity magazines, crack down gun trafficking, and outlaw bump stocks. (7)
- Young Kim voted NO H.R.8 – Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2021 (8)
Young Kim is a Tax Cheat
Career politician Young Kim thinks the rules don’t apply to her, and she’s leaving taxpayers with the bag.
- Kim illegally claimed a $7,000 annual homestead tax exemption on a house she wasn’t even living in for four years. (1)
- Kim failed to pay property taxes multiple times and owed over $10,000 in unpaid federal income taxes. (2)
- Kim took illegal contributions from high-level Chinese nationals connected with the Chinese Communist Party in 2020. (3)
- Kim pocketed $1.2 million in taxpayer-funded salary and benefits. She took taxpayer-funded per diem on days she didn’t even show up to work and double-dipped with additional “consulting” payments. (4)